Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Recycled Love

That title doesn't sound too appealing does it? hrm, haha I was trying to think of something semi-creative, but I guess not. Oh well! This is one of my favorites manis that I have given myself. GAH! I'm definitely going to try to attempt this again! 
left hand

right hand-bare because I didn't want to mess up such an awesome mani!
So the grey used is two coats of China Glaze's Recycle and the awesome teal color is two coats of O.P.I's Ski Teal We Drop. For the white heart, I used one of Kiss's nail art nail polish with the thin brushes. 

The heart surprisingly turned out REALLY well. I'm very impressed with myself. But since everything looked so nicely, I didn't want to mess up my other hand by drawing a very ugly and distorted heart with my non dominate hand, so I just left it blank hehe. 

What do you guys think?  :)

ps. wanted to give a quick shout out to two people today! Today is my sister, Kat, and my friend, Glen's birthday! So happy birthday to you two  :) 


1 comment:

  1. yeah, the heart is perfect!
    I love both recycle and ski teal we drop! beautiful colors!
